About Tin Can Sally
In 2003, Sarah Kilvert, Tin Can Sally Creator, discovered a process of transforming old tins and baking pans into light switch plates and outlet covers. After months of research and test marketing on eBay, the Tin Can Sally website launched in May 2004. Since then, Sarah has sold tens of thousands of switch plates all over the world with recognition in numerous magazines, TV shows and were part of a movie set.
Over the years, Tin Can Sally switch plates have sold on eBay, Etsy, ArtFire, 1000 Markets, Bonanza and tincansally.com. We are proud to have a large fan base and we appreciate every customer who supported our handmade products throughout the years.​

No one has ever been able to duplicate. We no longer keep an inventory of pre-made switch plates. We do offer a by request service only, we find the tin or pan for you.